Well blogging is just about the best thing ever invented. The writer/blogger can chat at length with an imagined reader. Every once in a while, I get some feedback from my blogging efforts and that just doubles the fun.

Roots Of Reading

The first blog is called Roots of Reading (A short version of the title I really wanted: Children’s Play: The Roots of Reading). This blog allows me to pontificate on how the very young make sense of squiggly lines. My observations and grand thoughts on this topic are generated from hours of watching and playing with my very young grandchildren. Enjoy!

Growing Up To Read

Growing Up to Read is a blog that journals my classroom visits and various community literacy projects. You will find play-based, hands on literacy learning stories in this blog.

Moe The Mouse and Love the Reading

Moe the Mouse and the Love of Reading is a blog where all things about a mouse named Moe are housed. Moe often comes with me to give workshops. He loves to bring books to all his forest friends. This is why Moe and I have become very good buddies.